SHOP.COM cash back shopping and shopping annuity

Hi, and welcome to
and GreatCashBackNow

GreatCashBackNow is an Independent UnFranchise of Market America

Shop Now for Up to 50% Cash Back on Eligible Purchases  •  SHOP NOW >  
 Questions? Call Daniel (516) 297-8200

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Thank you for your recent product orders!
I'm Daniel O'Connor, your online Shop and Product Consultant. 


 We are here to help you earn Cash Back on Your Shopping

As your Shop Consultant, I am here to assist you with any SHOP.COM/doc website or product information.  

About your new ShopBuddy Free App - available now

When you search for a product and this emblem SHOPBudd 3.jpg pops up on the left or right,

it means that store is linked to SHOPBUDDY.

 SHOPBUDDY notifies you whenever you are on a website that offers cashback and coupons through SHOPBUDDY is a free download on the right side of the page. Below is my contact info and SHOPBUDDY information for any questions you have about how it works and how it can help ensure you get cash back on every eligible purchase.  

When you have any questions on boosting your cash back on, using comparison shopping and creating a "shopping annuity", please feel free to text, call or email me with your questions. 

Once you are on the store site, click the SHOPBUDDY "Earn Cashback Now" link which routes through to earn you cashback. 


Whenever you have any questions please let me know.

Have a wonderful week!

Daniel     12478_10202731141667004_1744983643_n.jpg

516-297-8200    •

Get Paid to Shop! 2% - 50% cash back when you shop online at your favorite stores! • Daniel O'Connor is an Independent UnFranchise Owner of Market America